6. März 2017
ab 20:00 Uhr
Künstlerkreis Kaleidoskop-Abend
Theater Platz Wirtshaus am Hart München
Sudetendeutschestraße 40, 80937 München
Einlass: 18 Uhr – Beginn: 20 Uhr
Eintritt: frei
Michel Montecrossa über das ’I Have A Vision’ New-Topical-Song Konzert:
“Meine New-Topical-Songs des ‘I Have A Vision’ Konzerts sind Anregungen zur Erweiterung des Bewusstseins auf dem Weg zu den Vereinigten Staaten des Planeten Erde.”
20. August 2016
ab 20:00
Wirtshaus zum Isartal
Brudermühlstrasse 2
D-81371 München
Tel.: 0049-89-850 8555
Das ‘Ich bin der Typ’ internationale Cyberschlager Konzert von Michel Montecrossa und seiner Band The Chosen Few präsentiert am 20. August 2016 im Wirtshaus zum Isartal ab 20 Uhr beste Gute-Laune Musik. Das ‘Ich bin der Typ’ Cyberschlager Konzert bringt die beste Seite Deutsch-weltoffener Lebensart mit ihrem positiven Frohsinn, ihrer Geselligkeit und unkomplizierten Herzlichkeit. Die gute-Laune ‘Ich Bin Der Typ’ Cyberschlager Songs singen mit der Stärke der Freude und des Glücklichseins von echten Empfindungen, die direkt aus dem Leben kommen.
Zum Konzert ist die Michel Montecrossa Audio-CD ‘Ich bin der Typ’ mit 17 seiner international deutsch-englischen Hit-Songs erhältlich.
Weitere Informationen: www.MichelMontecrossa.com
Michel Montecrossa sagt über das ‘Ich bin der Typ’ Cyberschlager Konzert im Wirtshaus zum Isartal:
“Mit dem ‘Ich bin der Typ’ Konzert bringe ich international zwei-sprachig Deutsch/Englischen Cyberschlager zu einem weltweiten Publikum. Cyberschlager zeigt die beste Seite Deutsch-weltoffener Lebensart mit ihrem positiven Frohsinn, ihrer Geselligkeit und unkomplizierten Herzlichkeit. Die gute-Laune ‘Ich Bin Der Typ’ Cyberschlager Songs singen mit der Stärke der Freude und des Glücklichseins von echten Empfindungen, die direkt aus dem Leben kommen.”
19th August 2016
20:00 – 22:00
at the Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner
in the Filmaur Multimedia House
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting (near Munich)
Phone ++49-89-850 8555
Michel Montecrossa with his band The Chosen Few plays the ‘Willkommens Kultur Tanzparty’ Concert for Friendship and Integration on 19th August 2016 at the Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner in the Filmaur Multimedia House presenting stimulating and joyful New-Topical, Cyberrock and Electronica Songs.
Before the concert you can see the DEEP BRAIN ART Exhibition of 212 new Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings.
Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Willkommens Kultur Tanzparty’ Concert:
“The ‘Willkommens Kultur Tanzparty‘ Concert is the next big party of humanity and forward-looking intelligence.”
7th May 2016
22:00 – 24:00
in the Omnidiet Music-Hall
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
(Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009
Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Love & Freedom Heal – Liebe & Freiheit Heilen’ Concert:
“Love & Freedom are the life-qualities which are like a double-sun making the flowers of creative peace grow with unlimited speed.”
“Liebe & Freiheit sind die Lebensqualitäten, die einer Doppelsonne gleichen, welche die Blumen des kreativen Friedens mit grenzenloser Geschwindigkeit wachsen lassen.”
Michel Montecrossa together with his band The Chosen Few plays the ‘Love & Freedom Heal – Liebe & Freiheit Heilen’ Concert during the Mirasiddhi Wellness Festival and the Sunrevolution Festival of Work 2016 in Mirapuri, Italy. It is a concert of great value songs that convey the encouraging message of working together for building a world that truly manifests a life of Love & Freedom.
Before the concert you can see the ENERGY OF ART Exhibition of new Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel.
‘Festival Of Love & Freedom Song’ Michel Montecrossa’s Audio Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, for announcing the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2016 in Mirapuri, Italy. Michel Montecrossa together with his band The Chosen Few during ten days (22nd July – 31st July) presents 20 concerts featuring brand-new songs from Michel Montecrossa’s ongoing Cyberschlager, Orgastica-DJ, DJ Party-D, Cyberrock, Cyberdance and New-Topical-Song concert tour. Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few play along with international guest bands for Love & Freedom at the most important European Free-Music-Revolution-Festival.
Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Festival Of Love & Freedom’ Song and Movie:
“Hi, everybody and welcome to the whole world! We invite everyone to come and join the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri 2016. Me, Mirakali, Diana Antara and my band The Chosen Few will play for you during all the ten days of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival presenting our brand-new songs, our brand-new New-Topical-Songs, our brand-new Cyberrock and Electronica-Dance songs. And a special event during the Dreamspace Electronica Festival part of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival where we play Orgastica-DJ and where we play DJ Party-D. All these things will blow you up. Welcome again! Let’s join the Party! The Spirit of Woodstock Festival is the great European Festival of the Free Music Revolution. If you are part of the Free Music, come, enjoy the Spirit of Woodstock Festival, the Spirit of Love & Freedom! Welcome!
Come on, baby! Come with me
to the Festival of Love and Freedom!
I can tell you, baby, there is wonder in the air,
there is magic and the power and the joy that are great.
Baby, it’s the power of the Love and Freedom World.
Oh, let the problems yes, all problems, be problems!
Follow only the truth of your heart
at the Festival of Love and Freedom. Oh-ho-ho!
At the Festival of Love and Freedom.
Happy, I say, are those
who follow the way of hope,
the way of the Love and Freedom Song,
the way of Love and Freedom strong.
With you I’m in love at the Festival,
with you I eat and drink, make love and dance.
To you I say the words that count
at the Festival of Love and Freedom. Come on!
At the Festival of Love and Freedom.
The moon is there and the starry night.
The people are happy, their smile is bright.
I look into their eyes and see the light,
the light of Love and Freedom.
Come on, baby! Come with me
to the Festival of Love and Freedom!
I can tell you, baby, there is wonder in the air
at the Festival of Love and Freedom. Oh, well!
At the Festival of Love and Freedom.
Michel Montecrossa with his band The Chosen Few plays the ‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture‘ Acoustic & Electric Concert for Peace and Integration on 16th April 2016 at the Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner in the Filmaur Multimedia House presenting mind-shaking and totally positive New-Topical, Cyberrock and Electronica Songs.
Before the concert you can see the DEEP BRAIN ART Exhibition of 212 new Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings.
Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture‘ Concert :
“The ‘Rettet Die Willkommens Kultur – Save The Welcome Culture‘ Concert is a big party of humanity and forward-looking intelligence.”
26th March 2016
22:00 – 24:00
in the Omnidiet Music-Hall
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
(Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009
Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Easy Loving’ Concert:
“Take it easy and take it! That’s what the ‘Easy Loving’ Concert is all about.”
Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali, Diana and their band The Chosen Few perform the ‘Easy Loving’ Concert on 26th March 2016 from 22:00 – 24:00 in the Omnidiet Music-Hall.
The concert presents Top German and English Cyberrock, Electronica and Acoustic songs in the heartfelt rhythm of Love and Freedom. Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and Diana sing their new songs, enchanting the audience with their positive drive and commitment to Love and Freedom.
Before the concert you can see the THE ENERGY OF ART Exhibition of new Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel.