For more information contact: Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel – Via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Provincia di Novara, Italy Phone: ++39-0322-999009, eMail:
The Live Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2022 in Mirapuri, Italy, will hopefully take place 3rd August – 7th August 2022 with 5 Party Days of free music revolution with free entrance and friendly prices for camping, food, drinks and Hotel accommodation, together with the Mirapuri Open Nature Camping and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy presenting open air concerts, hearty festival feastin’ and drinkin’, groovy festival-bazaar and international coming together. During the 5 festival-days Michel Montecrossa presents together with Mirakali and their band The New Chosen Few brand-new original Cyberrock, Cyberschlager, Cyberdance, Cyberviking, Orgastica-DJ and Cyberpoetry for having a good time. CyberRocker Michel Montecrossa started the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri together with the Mirapuri Open Nature Camping and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy.
Every year a new spirit of music of courage and hope, sweetness of soul and strength of joy reaches out for the future along with hearty festival feastin’ and drinkin’ and international coming together. The Spirit of Woodstock Festival is creative with the mighty dream of Unity, Love and Freedom. Guest musicians from all over the world come together to play and sing along with Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and their band The New Chosen Few and an enthusiastic audience for five days and nights every year in July. Since its inception in 1993 the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri with its continuous five days flow of international music and brand-new Cyberrock, Cyberschlager, Cyberdance, Cyberviking, Orgastica-DJ, Cyberpoetry and New-Topical-Songs along with the Mirapuri Open Nature Camping and Mirapuri’s one and only Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy has developed into one of Europe’s greatest Free Music Event with free entrance and friendly prices for food, drinks and Hotel accommodation. The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy every year stands out as a unique European Music-Experience-Event with international flair and an inimitable atmosphere of Love and Joy.
In addition to the live Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, the Infinity Season of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival concert series in Mirapuri, Italy takes place in the internet featuring every month a new Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival concert by Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and their band The New Chosen Few which you can see here on the festival site or on the Michel Montecrossa homepage.
The Virtual Climate Change Concert Tour, Session #4 ‘LOVE, FOREVER LOVE’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is the musical journey into Michel Montecrossa’s song world of love and the power of love which we all need for changing the human climate of disturbed emotions, hatred and misunderstandings into the inspiring climate of love, tender care and human unity. The songs of the Virtual Climate Change Concert Tour, Session #4 are ‘Love, Forever Love’, ‘Schmusen & Lachen – Huggin’ & Kissin’’, ‘Liebeszauber – Lovemagic’ and ‘Mondkuss Lust – Moonkiss Passion’. They are presented together with the masterful animations by Mirakali and beautiful drawings from Michel Montecrossa’s cartoon ‘Sternschnuppe’ creating the enchanting atmosphere of true love and a future of hope and understanding.
All songs are featured with subtitles of the original song lyrics for singing along and dance moves for dancing along presented by Michel Montecrossa, the Blue Girl and their virtual dance crew.
Michel Montecrossa says: “With the Virtual Climate Change Concert Tour, Session #4 ‘Love, Forever Love’ I turn to the soul of the world embracing her with my music and lyrics for showing a truly marvellous change into a future world of trust and hope that will be able to handle all the problems that are still frightening us today.”
Episode 7 ‘FAMILY CHRISTMAS’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy, Season 2020/2021, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, brings the warm and happy new original Christmas songs of Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali to every home. They are singing of the hope and glory of a better future coming with the birth of the true Child of Humanity. The songs are ’Weihnachten Wahr Und Wundervoll – Christmas True And Wonderful’, ’Love, Stars And Children’, ’Strong Is My Christmas Dream’, ’Engelslicht’ and ’Angelo’s Train’.
Michel Montecrossa says: “With the beautiful ’FAMILY CHRISTMAS’ Episode 7 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy, Season 2020/2021 Mirakali, myself and our band invite you all to gather for a Christmas Celebration of Love, Peace and Happiness helping to bring the Marvellous Change to earth which some of us feel coming and which we all need.“
Episode 5 ‘STRAIGHT FROM HOME’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 is vibrant creative blood from the courageous heart that overcomes all Corona fear. It’s the pounding heart of songs and music-movies that liberate from every lockdown frustration and are sung and performed by Michel Montecrossa for the worldwide audience to cheer up and be ready for an optimistic future starting with the New-Topical-Song ‘Daddy, Please Change The World For Me’ dedicated as a young girl’s song for the U.S.A. Presidential Election and going on with great experience songs like ‘The New Turn Of Things’, ‘At Times’, ‘Fog Growin’ Thick’ and the concluding anthem of hope ‘Glow In The Night: Hab Der Welt Noch Viel Zu Geben!’.
Michel Montecrossa says: “‘STRAIGHT FROM HOME’ is absolutely non-depressive music singing from my home-front stage to all humanity. ‘STRAIGHT FROM HOME’ is sharing the spirit of creativity with all, creating a new platform of culture for a future that can handle the effects of Corona by being stronger than Corona. ‘STRAIGHT FROM HOME’ is my 5th mini-concert coming directly to you from my home studio extending proudly and effectively into the whole wide world and many more will follow undeterred for years to come thus forming the Big Concerts.”
Episode 4 ‘DREAM SPACE’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 is the next sizzling chance to see and hear the famous TV-, Radio- and Recording Artist Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and his band The Chosen Few singing passionate and cheerfully optimistic Cyberdance songs for giving you the treat of a lifetime. The power-songs ‘Mondkuss Lust – Moonkiss Passion’, ‘Dancedrive: I Like It!’, ‘Starbringing Heroes’, ‘Discomania’ & ‘Come On Baby! It’s The Bright Earth Dance!’ are presented as brilliantly entertaining music movies with lightning tunes and lines showing Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali and their compelling image as the Living Celebration of Humanity Singer/Songwriters. Experience them taking off once more!
Episode 3 ‘GOING TO THE FESTIVAL’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 carries you straight into the heart and soul of this great European Free Music Event with six mind-blowing Cyberrock, Cybermetal, Ballad and Dance Hit songs by the famous TV-, Radio- and Recording Artist Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and his band The Chosen Few. It’s the experience of inimitable Festival fun and flair for having a good time with the following songs: ‘I’m The Voice Of Peace’, ‘Magic Fire’, ‘Cyberbeat’, ‘Vomit Of Your Soul’, ‘Cybergeneration’, ‘Met You In Paradise’.
Episode 2 ‘NEW & FREE’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 features five Hit-Songs and Music-Movies by Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and a homage to Bob Dylan: ‘Call Of The Festival’, ‘Corona & Weltvereinigung ( Corona & World Union)’, ‘Forever Love’, ‘Mississippi’, ‘New & Free – Neu & Frei’ to bring in times of Corona Lockdown the legendary Spirit of Woodstock Festival Feeling to your home for cheering you up.
From 2020 till 2021 starting in June, every month Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali and their band The Chosen Few are presenting in the Internet a powerful series of concert episodes featuring their great original New-Topical-Songs, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica & Orgastica-DJ Hits here at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival Website.
The Concert Episode 1 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020/2021 with the title ‘Lift Off’ has its worldwide première in the Internet on 1st June 2020. Don’t miss it! The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival concert series will present till June 2021 a total of twelve episodes!
Michel Montecrossa says: “The songs of episode 1: ‘Lift Off’ begin with the bright and joyful Festival Song 2020 ‘The Spirit of Woodstock Festival Dance’ inviting you all for a happy dance and boosting your positive energies. ‘Sei Hungrig – Be Hungry’ then is a New-Topical-Song taking a strong stand for your own identity and freedom of mind and spirit making the earth a better place through your being there. ‘Moon Dream’ by Mirakali is her futuristic Orgastica-DJ Lovestory further building up positive energies and a loving outlook on life and action. ‘200% Leben’ is the encouragement to boldly cut through mega-fears and the imprisoning hypnotism of discouraging messages and to take a stand for the ultimate strength of our true reality that is the 200% Life source coming from the heart singing ‘Life comes through Love’. And this is the best remedy against all trouble. ‘Tomorrow I Will Shine – Morgen Werde Ich Leuchten’ finally is a song of enduring clarity embedded in a movie of pure love.”