
All posts by Mirakali

11. November 2017
21:00 – 22:30
im Filmaur Multimedia Haus
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting (bei München)
Tel ++49-89-850 8555

‘Deep Cuts On The Edge Of Life – An Der Grenze Zum Leben’ New-Topical-Song, Cyberpoetry & Orgastica-DJ Konzert mit MICHEL MONTECROSSA UND MIRAKALI IM FILMAUR MULTIMEDIA HAUS IN GAUTING BEI MÜNCHEN AM 11. November 2017 von 21:00 bis 22:30 Uhr.
Michel Montecrossa (Akustik Gitarre, Gesang, Mundharmonika), Mirakali (Cyberpoetry, Orgastica-DJ, Gesang) und Artis Aldschalis (E-Violine) präsentieren englisch/deutsche New-Topical-Songs, Cyberpoetry und Orgastica-DJ Performances als Reflexionen über die Lage unserer Welt und des Menschen mit New-Topical-Liedern wie ‘Flackernd Lebendige Augen’, ‘Ich Weiß Nicht, Was Auf Mich Wartet’ und ‘Schweigend Die Eiskalte Cola’ von Michel Montecrossa sowie Orgastica-DJ, Peace-Songs und Cyberpoetry Performances von Mirakali wie ‘The World Of Your Love’ (DJ), ‘Squaw’ (Peace-Song) und ‘Zeitversunken’ (Cyberpoetry).

Michel Montecrossa says about the New-Topical-Song, Cyberpoetry & Orgastica-DJ Concert ‘Deep Cuts On The Edge Of Life – An Der Grenze Zum Leben’:
“Our ‘On The Edge Of Life – An Der Grenze Zum Leben’ Concert presents no Spotify 30 second songs, but high quality ’Deep Cuts’, in other words Songs, DJ-Electronica and Lyrics that make your handy display explode.”

23rd December 2017
21:00 – 22:30
in the Omnidiet Music-Hall
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
(Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009

Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and The Chosen Few plays the ‘Christmas Of Joy & Love’ Concert on 23rd December 2017 from 21:00 – 22:30 in the Omnidiet Music-Hall.
The concert presents great New-Topical, Cyberrock & Orgastica-DJ Music for Mirakali’s birthday and for Christmas.

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Christmas Of Joy & Love’ Concert:
“With our ‘Christmas Of Joy & Love’ Concert me and my band celebrate the dream and the magic of Mirakali’s birthday and of Christmas with songs of Joy & Love. We are happy to be together with all of you for this celebration.”

28. Oktober 2017
21:00 – 22:30
im Filmaur Multimedia Haus
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting (bei München)
Tel ++49-89-850 8555

‘Free – Frei!’ Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical, Cyberrock & Orgastica-DJ Geburtstagskonzert gemeinsam mit Mirakali und seiner Band The Chosen Few im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting bei München am 28. Oktober 2017 von 21:00 bis 22:30 Uhr.

Vor dem Konzert findet ab 20 Uhr die Präsentation der neuesten CDs, DVDs und Bücher von Michel Montecrossa statt. Highlights sind die Cyberschlager Audio-CD ‘An Deiner Seite Glücklich – At Your Side Happy’ mit 20 deutsch-englischen Cyberschlager Hit Songs, die Audio-CD des Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2017 mit dem Titel ‘Long And Wasted Years’, die Audio-CD des Michel Montecrossa New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Konzerts ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’, die New-Topical Song & Movie Collection mit dem Titel ‘Top Topical Part Six’, die 17 New-Topical-Songs & Movies auf Audio-CD und DVD präsentiert sowie das ‘Love, Peace & Happiness’ Song Lyrics Buch der Climate Change Concert Tour 2015. Zu dem ‘Love, Peace & Happiness’ Song Lyrics Buch gehört die ‘Love, Peace & Happiness’ Song Collection 6 Audio-CD Box mit 60 Michel Montecrossa New-Topical-Songs.

Ebenfalls vor dem Konzert kann man die LOOKING FORWARD Ausstellung mit 184 neuen Michel Montecrossa Gemälden und Zeichnungen sehen.

Michel Montecrossa sagt über sein ‘Free – Frei!’ Geburtstagskonzert:
“Ich lade alle Freunde zu meinem New Topical, Cyberrock & Orgastica-DJ Geburtstagskonzert ein, das ich gemeinsam mit Mirakali und The Chosen Few im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting bei München spiele. Bei dieser Gelegenheit präsentiere ich auch meine neuen Audio-CD, DVD und Buchveröffentlichungen. Seid alle herzlich willkommen!”

Michel Montecrossa says about his ‘Free – Frei!’ Birthday Concert:
“I invite all friends to my New Topical, Cyberrock & Orgastica-DJ Birthday Concert which I perform together with Mirakali and The Chosen Few at the Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting near Munich. On this occasion I also present my new Audio-CD and DVD as well as book releases. Welcome to everybody!”


‘Free – Frei!’ Michel Montecrossa’s New Topical, Cyberrock & Orgastica-DJ Geburtstagskonzert im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting bei München am 28. Oktober 2017

30. September 2017
21:00 – 22:30
im Filmaur Multimedia Haus
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting (bei München)
Tel ++49-89-850 8555

‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’ New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Konzert mit Michel Montecrossa und Mirakali im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting bei München am 30. September 2017 von 21:00 bis 22:30 Uhr.
Michel Montecrossa (Akustik Gitarre, Gesang, Mundharmonika), Mirakali (Cyberbeat Poetry, Orgastica-DJ, Gesang) und Artis Aldschalis (E-Violine) präsentieren 21 New-Topical-Songs, Cyberbeat Poetry und Orgastica-DJ Instrumentals.

Vor dem Konzert kann man die LOOKING FORWARD Ausstellung mit 184 neuen Michel Montecrossa Gemälden und Zeichnungen sehen.

Michel Montecrossa sagt über das New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Konzert ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’:
“Mit dem Konzert ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’ präsentiere ich gemeinsam mit Mirakali unser neues Musik- und Konzertformat, das akustische New-Topical-Songs, Cyberbeat Poetry und Orgastica-DJ Instrumentals zu einem Gesamtkunstwerk verbindet, das mit der Ungewissheit und den Beklemmungen unseres Zeitgeistes und seinen Ergebnissen, die aus Angst geboren sind, abrechnet, um zu dem Schluss zu kommen, dass Liebe erwidern genial ist.”

Michel Montecrossa says about the New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Concert ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’:
“With the concert ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’ I present together with Mirakali our new music and concert platform fusing acoustic New-Topical-Songs, Cyberbeat Poetry and Orgastica-DJ Instrumentals into a holistic work of art coming to terms with the uncertainty and anxieties of our time spirit and its outcomes that are born from fear to come to the conclusion that responding to love is genial.”

‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’ New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Konzert mit Michel Montecrossa und Mirakali im Filmaur Multimedia Haus in Gauting bei München am 30. September 2017


The 25th Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2017 in Mirapuri, Italy, ( from Wednesday 19th July till Sunday 23rd July 2017: five Joy & Love Music days of the free music revolution with free entrance and friendly prices for camping, food, drinks and Hotel accommodation, together with the Mirapuri Open Nature Camping and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy presenting live concerts, hearty festival feastin’ and drinkin’, groovy festival-bazaar and international coming together.
During the five festival-days Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and their band The Chosen Few and International Guest Bands is presenting his brand-new original Cyberrock, Cyberschlager, Cyberdance, Cyberviking, New-Topical and Cyberelectronica-DJ songs and instrumentals for having a good time.
Special highlights for 2017 are the Michel sings Bob Dylan Fest as well as the Dreamspace Electronica Fest, both on Thursday.
Another highlight in addition to the great music performances is the inspiring ENERGY OF ART exhibition of new Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omnidiet Hotel which can be seen during the five Spirit of Woodstock Festival days.

All Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and The Chosen Few merchandise is available at the Mirapuri-Shop on the festival ground and in the internet at


Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2017 in Mirapuri, Italy during five days of Joy & Love Music, 19th July – 23rd July, each day from 19:00 – 24:00

Five days of love, peace and joy with international bands, the Mirapuri Open Nature Camping and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy with free entrance and friendly prices for food, drinks and Hotel accommodation

The 25th Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2017 in Mirapuri, Italy, from Wednesday 19th July till Sunday 23rd July 2017: 5 highlight days of free music revolution with free entrance and friendly prices for camping, food, drinks and Hotel accommodation, together with the Mirapuri Open Nature Camping and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy presenting open air concerts, hearty festival feastin’ and drinkin’, groovy festival-bazaar and international coming together.
During the 5 festival-days Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and Diana Antara and his band The Chosen Few presents brand-new original Cyberrock, Cyberschlager, Cyberdance, Cyberviking and Cyberelectronica-DJ songs and instrumentals for having a good time.
A special highlight for 2017 is the Michel sings Bob Dylan Thursday featuring great poetic and New-Topical-Songs by Michel Montecrossa and Bob Dylan.

1st July 2017
21:00 – 23:00
in the Omnidiet Hall of Fame
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
(Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009

Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali, Diana Antara and their band The Chosen Few play the ‘The Pulse Of Europe’ Concert for the Mirapuri World Peace Festival 2017 presenting Cyberrock, Dance, Electronica and acoustic songs of Joy & Love on 1st July 2017 in the Hall of Fame of the Omnidiet Hotel in Mirapuri, Italy.
The set list includes great peace songs like the opening ‘Pulse of Europe Song’, ‘Peace And Love – Pace E Amore (Love Is The Answer)’, ‘Ich Suche Nicht, Ich Finde: Ich Bin Bei Dir – I’m Not Searchin’, I Am Findin’: I Am With You’, ‘Song From The Home Of Love’ and many more.

In addition to the ‘The Pulse Of Europe’ Concert you can see the ’Energy Of Art’ Exhibition of 102 Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel.

For the Mirapuri World Peace Festival 2017 Program click here.

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘The Pulse Of Europe’ Concert:
“‘The Pulse Of Europe’ Concert is about effective human potential expression and not just about childish politics. As long as we love a much as we can, we are in touch with whatever good can be.”

‘The Pulse Of Europe’ Concert for the Mirapuri World Peace Festival 2017 in Mirapuri on 1st July 2017 by Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few with songs of Joy & Love

17. June 2017
22:00 – 24:00
in the Omnidiet Music-Hall
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri – Coiromonte
Phone ++39-0322-999009

Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali, Diana Antara and their band The Chosen Few play the JOY & LOVE VISION CONCERT IN MIRAPURI for the Free Cinema Filmfestival 2017 presenting picturesque Cyberrock, Dance, Electronica and acoustic songs of Joy & Love on 17th June 2017 at the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri, Italy.
The set list includes great English and German songs like the opening ‘Joy & Love Vision’, the cinematic ‘The Man’ as well as ‘Joy & Love Medicine – Freude & Liebes Medizin’, ‘Dunkel Und Licht’ and the acoustic finale ‘Grateful Love – Dankbare Liebe’.

In addition to the JOY & LOVE VISION CONCERT Concert you can see the ‘Energy Of Art’ Exhibition of 102 Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel.

For the Free Cinema Filmfest 2017 Program click here.

Michel Montecrossa says about the JOY & LOVE VISION CONCERT:
“The JOY & LOVE VISION CONCERT is a movie in songs that lead you into your wonderland of feeling and enjoying.”

Joy & Love Vision Concert in Mirapuri – For the Free Cinema Filmfestival 2017 by Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few with songs of Joy & Love


15th April 2017
22:00 – 24:00
in the Omnidiet Music-Hall
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
(Prov. di Novara), Italy
Phone: ++39-0322-999009

Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Joy & Love Party’ Cyberrock, New-Topical & Electronica-Dance Concert:
“Let’s enjoy the happiness of life with a good dancing and the loving feeling! Meet you at the party!”

Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali, Diana Antara and The Chosen Few plays the ‘Joy & Love Party’ Cyberrock, New-Topical & Electronica-Dance Concert on 15th April 2017 from 22:00 – 24:00 in the Omnidiet Music-Hall.
The concert presents great Cyberrock, New-Topical & Electronica-Dance Songs with the message: “More love brings more happiness. More happiness brings more understanding. More understanding brings more hope.”
Before the concert you can see THE ENERGY OF ART Exhibition of new Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings in the Mirapuri New Art Gallery of the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel.

Joy & Love Party Concert